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ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year.

All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


BEE KIND BUGS Kit comes with two matching stickers.

Because sometimes bugs *and people* bug us, but everyone has a purpose!  We must bee kind!  :)


Teaches: everyone has a purpose, tolerance, empathy, everything is not always about you


ELFercise Kit ONLY

Set of 10 ELFercises


5" plump palm-size bee or ladybug


Roly poly finger puppet


Artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original story by Carmen Miller

All Kits are made to order.

Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022

Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.


Bug, bug, bug,
bug, bug, bug…




Bugs really bug us.
It’s just what they do.
But you can’t make what a bug does
all about you!    


Why are there mosquitoes?
Why are there flies?
Why are there spiders
with eight legs and eyes?


There is a reason.
They serve a purpose.
They aren’t in this world,
only to bug us.


Kind of like people,
all different kinds,
who all think differently
and have different minds.


We may not agree,
they may bug us, too
but they have a purpose
just like YOU!


Keep in mind, 
when a person is a bug,
they might just need something 
as simple as a hug.

So just bee kind!

©ELF365 2022

Bug, Bug, Bug - Bee Kind Bugs

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    Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved                  Affiliated with Giving Gift Co and Come Together with Kindness

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