ELFs don’t just
Exemplify Love and Friendship
at Christmas.
What about the other 364 days a year?
ELFs have worked tirelessly with Santa to develop
to help you practice being your best sELF every day!
All ELFs in Santa’s Secret Service,
regardless of rank, are assigned to
Operation Good Deed Doer.
Operation Good Deed Doer
is continuing education training for ELFs.
The exercises that ELFs complete during continuing education
are called, “ELFercises.”
ELFercises help ELFs stay on track and advance in rank.
Be sure to download your free
to help track your ELFercises
and all the other acts of kindness and good deeds you do!
Once you complete an AOK Tracker send it to us
at ELF@ELF365.com!
You could advance in rank!
Plus, we could choose one of your good deeds to publish
in our "Best of ELF365" books!
Now that's way cooler than the North Pole!
Get started now with Basic Holiday Training!

The Best
Your acts of kindness
could be in our next book!