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ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!


All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


BE THE COOLEST KIND ELFercise Kit is proof that kindness really is the COOLEST!
If you want to be cool then kind!   Everyone is cool in their own unique way...and if you run across someone who has their own version of cool and it's not kind, well, who wants to be be like that anyway!?  Be your own kind of cool and walk away!


Comes with two matching stickers.


Teaches: different is good, kindness is cool, be a good friend, everyone matters, everyone has struggles - be forgiving


Original ELF365 artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original story by Carmen Miller.


All Kits are made to order.


Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022
Proceeds have helped us provide over 12,500 free Kits for kids in 15 countries and 46 states...
and counting!


Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.



Everyone has heard

that kind is cool,

but that doesn’t always seem to be

the thumb of rule!


If kind is really cool

then why do you see

adults and kids alike being not-so-nice

or downright mean?


Maybe it’s just easier.

Maybe they’re mad.

Maybe there’s an ache in their heart

and they feel sad.


Maybe they are struggling

and it’s a silent plea

to let us know they are dealing with

more than we can see.


No matter the reason,

no matter the why,

their actions should not affect

you or me.  Why? 




you must be your own person.

You must walk your own way.

You must always be kind

in what you do and what you say.


Who wants to be cool

if cool isn’t kind?!

The fact of the matter is,

you are sure to find…


that everyone is cool

in their own unique way.

Everyone has something

worthwhile to say.


You can set the example.

You can change minds.

Kindness is the answer,

so be the coolest kind

to everyone everywhere

100% of the time!


ELF365© 2022

Be the Coolest Kind

Excluding Sales Tax


    Free shipping on orders over $49

    Flat rate shipping of $4.99 on all orders under $49

    Most orders ship within 1-2 business days 

    Shirts typically ship from POD within 5-7 days


    No returns or exchanges

         Contact us at for assistance and

    special rates for teachers and service providers.


      Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved

    Children's Story Books and Activities

    We help kids Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

    Carmen Miller ~ Mom, Author, Visionary     

    Drew Marion Miller ~ Young Artist, Illustrator, Author

    Est 2017

    PO Box 6  Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020  USA

    ELF365 Pointers for Parents and Teachers!©

    The Legend of Curly Q Drew and The Message Mistake


     The Diary of Gilbert Gobbler and The Turkey Protection Program

    Affiliated with Come Together with Kindness, Giving Gift Co

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