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Listen to the lesson HERE!


ELFercise Kits help kids,
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


LOVE THIS COUNTRY TOO ELFercise Kit encourages us not to take this great country or our freedom for granted!  The Kit inspires us to thank our veterans and active and reserve military for their sacrifices and love this country like they do.  Loving this country, too is the very least we can do in appreciation of their efforts and our freedoms.


Kit comes with two stickers.


Teaches:  focus on the positive and good, everyone has flaws, be thankful and respectful, don't take freedom for granted, use your gift of freedom to do great things


ELFercise Kit ONLY

Set of 10 ELFercises


4.5" plush eagle ONLY who sits on your shoulder using a built-in magnet!

Eagle features a magnet in bottom + separate magnetic base piece.
Attach it to the shoulder of your shirt, or wherever you'd like!


Original artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original story by Carmen Miller

All Kits are made to order.

Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2023

Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.


United we stand, divided we fall.
No more you and me.  Instead, it is one for all!


There are many things that make this country great,
but there is a certain thing about the U. S. of A.
that we take for granted every day.




Freedom to be who you want to be.
Freedom to do what you want to do.
What does freedom mean to you?


Freedom is a gift given by so many we do not know,
who chose to put us and this country first,
and go where they needed to go.


Many lost their lives for this freedom
that we take for granted every day.
So many freedoms we have
that in other places would be taken away.


Our freedom is a debt that can never be repaid.
What would those who sacrificed want us to do?
Maybe putting our country first is not meant for you,
but how happy it would make them if
you simply loved this country, too.


It is not just about a flag; it is so much more.
It is living with a grateful heart to those who came before.


It is understanding that
not everyone everywhere has the freedom we do.
It is about showing those who choose our country first >right now<
that we appreciate them, too.


Be like an eagle, use your gift of freedom to soar.
Be strong and stand proud for your country, like never before.


This incredible country we live in, just like each of us, has many flaws,
but this beautiful land of liberty is the greatest country of all.


If you focus on the negative, that is all you will ever see.
Choose to see the good, be thankful and respectful
and above all, let freedom ring!



It is with profound respect that we thank you for your service and sacrifice.   
We appreciate and honor you!


Active Duty & Reserves,
Please accept our most sincere thanks and gratitude for the sacrifices you continue to make for this great country!

©ELF365 2023

Love This Country, Too ELFercise

Excluding Sales Tax


    Free shipping on orders over $49

    Flat rate shipping of $4.99 on all orders under $49

    Most orders ship within 1-2 business days 

    Shirts typically ship from POD within 5-7 days


    No returns or exchanges

         Contact us at for assistance and

    special rates for teachers and service providers.


      Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved

    Children's Story Books and Activities

    We help kids Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

    Carmen Miller ~ Mom, Author, Visionary     

    Drew Marion Miller ~ Young Artist, Illustrator, Author

    Est 2017

    PO Box 6  Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020  USA

    ELF365 Pointers for Parents and Teachers!©

    The Legend of Curly Q Drew and The Message Mistake


     The Diary of Gilbert Gobbler and The Turkey Protection Program

    Affiliated with Come Together with Kindness, Giving Gift Co

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