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ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!
Think like an ELF and be your best sELF!

All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


POLAR BEAR CARE ELFercise is a great way to teach kids that the days are not the same for everyone.  Polar Bear Care helps kids think about others and explore feelings of empathy for those who may not be as fortunate or who are going through a tough time.  

Each kit comes with two matching polar bear stickers.


Teaches: empathy, kindness, consideration, attentiveness, gratefulness


Available in Every Day and Holiday/Christmas version.

The Christmas version shares the same lesson as it relates to the holidays.  


Small (SM) Plush/Kit Combo comes with a little Palm Pal plush polar bear. 

He's about 5" and is un-bear-ably cute!


Medium (MD) Plush/Kit Combo comes with a warm fuzzy plush polar bear. 

He's about 8" and cannot wait for your bear-hugs!



ELFercise Kit Every Day ONLY


Set of 10 Every Day


ELFercise Kit Holiday ONLY


Set of 10 Holiday


Small 5" Polar Bear Plush ONLY


Medium 8" Polar Bear Plush ONLY

**Please note- artwork is the same for Everyday and Holiday Kits. 

Only the words are different. See Below.


Original artwork by young artist/illustrator, Drew Miller
Original lesson story by Carmen Miller

All Kits are made to order.

Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022

Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.

**Keep scrolling for Holiday Version


(Every Day Version)

Polar Bear Care


There are certain things
that can make a day blue.
Maybe something like that 
has happened to you.


Maybe someone has lost a loved one.
Maybe someone is far from home.
Maybe someone has nowhere to go
or is all alone. 
Days and nights can be lonely.
Just a regular day can be trying.
There is often more to feeling blue
than whether or not he sun is shining.


Pay attention each day,
make an effort to see,
someone who is struggling
or has a need.


It may not always be things
that someone needs.
It might be a bear hug,
conversation and tea.


They may need some help
with shopping or chores.
They might need some inviting
to join a family like yours.


When hearts are hurting
because days lack meaning
make a point
to be the reason
that they only thought 
the next day would be un-bear-able.
Be the reason their heart is warm and full.


When no love or joy
fills the air,
it’s YOU to the rescue
with Polar Bear Care!



(Holiday/Christmas Version)

Polar Bear Care


The holidays are here
and many say, 
it’s the most wonderful time of the year.
But not everyone feels this way.


There are certain things
that can make the holidays blue.
Maybe something like that 
has happened to you.


Maybe someone has lost a loved one.
Maybe someone cannot go home.
Maybe someone has nowhere to go
or is all alone. 
Holidays can be lonely.
Holidays can be trying.
There is often more to it
than gifts that need buying.


Pay attention this holiday,
make an effort to see,
someone who is struggling
or has a need.


It may not always be things
that someone needs.
It might be a bear hug,
conversation and tea.


They may need some help
with shopping or chores.
They might need some inviting
to join a family like yours.


When hearts are hurting
this holiday season,
make a point
to be the reason
that they only thought 
their holidays would be un-bear-able.

Be the reason their holidays are warm and full.


When cold and bitterness
fill the air,
it’s YOU to the rescue
with Polar Bear Care!



Polar Bear Care ELFercise

Excluding Sales Tax


    Free shipping on orders over $49

    Flat rate shipping of $4.99 on all orders under $49

    Most orders ship within 1-2 business days 

    Shirts typically ship from POD within 5-7 days


    No returns or exchanges

         Contact us at for assistance and

    special rates for teachers and service providers.


      Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved

    Children's Story Books and Activities

    We help kids Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

    Carmen Miller ~ Mom, Author, Visionary     

    Drew Marion Miller ~ Young Artist, Illustrator, Author

    Est 2017

    PO Box 6  Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020  USA

    ELF365 Pointers for Parents and Teachers!©

    The Legend of Curly Q Drew and The Message Mistake


     The Diary of Gilbert Gobbler and The Turkey Protection Program

    Affiliated with Come Together with Kindness, Giving Gift Co

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