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Purchase this Kit ONLY in this listing.


ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!
Think like an ELF and be your best sELF!


The sELFless ELF shares how wonderful it feels to be sELFless!  
This meaningful ELF has come to help you think of others.  The sELFless ELF ELFercise shares a fun activity by encouraging kids (with a little help from an adult*) to cut out the ELF paper doll and send him on a kindness mission.  

The Kit also includes a matching sticker that is yours to keep so you can remember the wonderful way you felt when you were sELFless!

*Adult supervision required.  Small parts.  Choking hazard for children under three years old.***


Teaches:  giving is better than receiving, giving makes the recipient *and* the giver feel good, selflessness, thinking of others, sharing love and kindness


ELFercise Kit ONLY

Set of 10 ELFercises


ELF365 is series of character-building cards and books that offers a new wonderfully meaningful holiday tradition.  We're here to help you think like an ELF and be your best sELF!


See our ELF365 story book, "Classified Christmas Chronicles, Volume I" to gain security clearance to access top secret, highly classified, holiday information!  In Volume I discover the origins, training and basic procedures of Santa's vast network of ELFs! 


Original artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original story by Carmen Miller

All Kits are made to order.

Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022

Proceeds have helped us provide over 12,000 free Kits for kids in 15 countries and 45 states...
and counting!


Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.


There’s a new friend
who has come to help you plan
a way to share kindness
the best that you can.


This new friend is different
than what you’ve seen before.
Who is this new friend?
Keep reading to learn more!


This new friend is an ELF who has come to guide you.
Watching you is not what he does.
This ELF’s job is to help you
share kindness and love.


This ELF will help you
deliver a kind note or gift.
When you share love and kindness
you give someone a lift.


This ELF is also going to help YOU!


The way you feel when
you are sELFless
is the best feeling you can feel.
It raises your spirits
and helps your heart heal.


So maybe this ELF will be
a mascot in your class,
sharing kind messages
or a kind task.


Maybe this ELF will
wait to be found
and will warm the heart
of someone in your town.


What this ELF does,
how this ELF shares,
will be a reflection of your heart
and the way that you care.


Share with the world
how this ELF will do good.
May the work of this ELF
be embraced and understood…


as something that 
we should all do
each and every day
with or without an ELF leading the way.


So, exactly who is this ELF?

Really, it’s YOU!
With a little help from your friends at ELF365 
who will help you
Exemplify Love and Friendship in all you do!

©ELF365 2022

sELFless ELF

Excluding Sales Tax


    Free shipping on orders over $49

    Flat rate shipping of $4.99 on all orders under $49

    Most orders ship within 1-2 business days 

    Shirts typically ship from POD within 5-7 days


    No returns or exchanges

         Contact us at for assistance and

    special rates for teachers and service providers.


      Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved

    Children's Story Books and Activities

    We help kids Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

    Carmen Miller ~ Mom, Author, Visionary     

    Drew Marion Miller ~ Young Artist, Illustrator, Author

    Est 2017

    PO Box 6  Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020  USA

    ELF365 Pointers for Parents and Teachers!©

    The Legend of Curly Q Drew and The Message Mistake


     The Diary of Gilbert Gobbler and The Turkey Protection Program

    Affiliated with Come Together with Kindness, Giving Gift Co

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