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ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!
Think like an ELF and be your best sELF!

All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


SHARE SOME gLOVEs ELFercise makes a great gift or act of kindness for someone who is in the elements, someone who may need a new pair of gloves, or just to leave in the park or bus station... 
or even for those who may be homeless.  Each Kit comes with a pair of gloves to give and a sticker to keep as a reminder to always be kind.  


PLEASE NOTE:  Gloves are one-size, stretch to fit.  Colors and styles vary.


Teaches:  holidays are difficult for some, be kind, be thoughtful, be observant of other's needs, the gift of your time matters more than material items


ELFercise Kit ONLY

Set of 10 ELFercises


Original artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original lesson story by Carmen Miller


All Kits are made to order.
Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022


Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.


Holiday Version says CHRISTMAS

Every Day Version says WINTER as noted below.


Share Some gLOVEs


Christmas(Winter) isn’t always   
the best time of the year
for those who have less
or no one to hold dear.


Christmas(Winter) can be difficult,
as the temperatures grow cold.
Especially to those who have 
no loving hand to hold.


Kindness can change things.
Kindness warms more than hands.
What physical items cannot give,
kindness can.


A warm hello,
a visit or a song,
even just a smile,
could warm a heart, all day long.


It truly is the little things
that matter so much more.
These gLOVEs will always be more
than something someone wore.  


These gLOVEs will be a reminder
to someone who has less
that they matter more than what they have 
and to this they can attest:

Kindness is the gift that gives the very best.

Kindness is also free, 
so always give abundantly!
A pair of gLOVEs to share.

Brighten someone’s day by giving the gLOVEs away.

Share Some gLOVEs ELFercise

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