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ELFercise Kits help kids
Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!
Think like an ELF and be your best sELF!

All Kits come with an item to keep and an item to give.


#BEASTOCKINGFILLER ELFercise Kit is a simple gesture that can make someone's day.  
The Kit comes with a handmade mini stocking, a small paper and a pen.  
You'll love filling stockings so much, you'll do it again and again!  :)
*Stocking, paper and ink pen colors/designs vary.*


<3 Special Thanks to Claire’s Fabric Crafts, Cottonwood, AZ  for our handmade stockings! <3


Teaches:  thinking of others, learning how kind gestures and words can make others and YOU feel good, kind thoughts/words/gestures are gifts money cannot buy and can last a lifetime


ELFercise Kit ONLY

Set of 10 ELFercises


Original artwork by young illustrator, Drew Miller
Original story by Carmen Miller

All Kits are made to order.

Designed for ELF365 Copyright 2022

Proceeds have helped us provide over 12,000 free Kits for kids in 15 countries and 45 states...
and counting!


Great for gifts, party favors, give-aways, prizes, promotions, fundraisers, etc!
Contact us for custom orders!


Read the entire ELFercise below.




A stocking is usually filled
with candy or small toys.
It’s always a nice surprise
and brings the recipient smiles of joy.


However, there is a gift
that is far better.
A gift that lasts for days,
sometimes even forever.


Compliments, kind thoughts,
or simply sharing how we feel
can make someone very happy, 
and for a gift that is ideal!


This tiny stocking is ready
to be filled with your kind thoughts.
The message that you write will be treasured
far more than anything store bought.  


Write your little message
and place it in the little stocking.
The gift may be small
but the response may be shocking.


Even though you were the giver,
giving will make you happy too.
That’s why giving 
is one of our favorite things to do!


Enjoy being a stocking filler,
then enjoy giving it away.
The pen is yours to keep
for more kindness another day!

©ELF365 2022

#BeAStockingFiller ELFercise

Excluding Sales Tax


    Free shipping on orders over $49

    Flat rate shipping of $4.99 on all orders under $49

    Most orders ship within 1-2 business days 

    Shirts typically ship from POD within 5-7 days


    No returns or exchanges

         Contact us at for assistance and

    special rates for teachers and service providers.


      Copyright ELF365 2022 All Rights Reserved

    Children's Story Books and Activities

    We help kids Exemplify Love and Friendship 365 days a year!

    Carmen Miller ~ Mom, Author, Visionary     

    Drew Marion Miller ~ Young Artist, Illustrator, Author

    Est 2017

    PO Box 6  Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020  USA

    ELF365 Pointers for Parents and Teachers!©

    The Legend of Curly Q Drew and The Message Mistake


     The Diary of Gilbert Gobbler and The Turkey Protection Program

    Affiliated with Come Together with Kindness, Giving Gift Co

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